Sem fins lucrativos e ativismo

66 Visualizações · 3 anos atrás

⁣Melanie Klein was a great psychotherapist who teaches us how to stop either idealising or denigrating others.

46 Visualizações · 3 anos atrás

⁣Jacques Lacan was France’s most famous psychoanalyst, who came up with the intriguing concept of the ‘mirror phase.’ This video shows his take on Psychotherapy.

60 Visualizações · 3 anos atrás

⁣Donald Winnicott has lots to teach us about how to look after children - but also about how not to aim for perfection. Being a 'good enough' parent is good enough.

50 Visualizações · 3 anos atrás

⁣Sigmund Freud, the inventor of psychoanalysis, appreciated the many ways in which our minds are troubled and anxious. It isn't us in particular: it's the human condition. Find out more about how Freud thought in our 'Great Thinkers'

58 Visualizações · 3 anos atrás

⁣It can be hard to know what we really need from a relationship. But the task becomes much simpler if we keep in mind that every relationship requires just three crucial ingredients to work.

52 Visualizações · 3 anos atrás

⁣We’re given very little guidance on how to choose our partners and tend to leave it to that mysterious force we know as ‘instinct’. However, it truly pays to be a little more rational in this area and work out how our instincts operate and why they push us towards some people and away from others

58 Visualizações · 3 anos atrás

⁣Those of us in relationships suffer from an ignorance of what other people’s relationships are really like. We should recognise that episodes of difficulty and ambivalence are not the exception, but the norm.