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44 Views · 3 years ago

⁣Right now, billions of neurons in your brain are working together to generate a conscious experience -- and not just any conscious experience, your experience of the world around you and of yourself within it. How does this happen? According to neuroscientist Anil Seth, we're all hallucinating all the time; when we agree about our hallucinations, we call it "reality." Join Seth for a delightfully disorienting talk that may leave you questioning the very nature of your existence.

43 Views · 3 years ago

⁣Why did the Caliphate of Cordoba Collapse?

42 Views · 3 years ago

⁣Did humans evolve from monkeys or from fish? In this enlightening talk, ichthyologist and TED Fellow Prosanta Chakrabarty dispel some hardwired myths about evolution, encouraging us to remember that we're a small part of a complex, four-billion-year process — and not the end of the line. "We're not the goal of evolution," Chakrabarty says. "Think of us all as young leaves on this ancient and gigantic tree of life — connected by invisible branches not just to each other, but to our extinct relatives and our evolutionary ancestors."

42 Views · 3 years ago

As a writer one should be familiar with sentence structure. ⁣Sometimes finding the subject of a sentence can be difficult. In this video, we discuss some tricky cases to watch out for.

42 Views · 3 years ago

⁣In this imaginative talk, neuroengineer Sam Rodriques takes us on a thrilling tour of the next 100 years in neuroscience. He envisions strange (and sometimes frightening) innovations that may be the key to understanding and treating brain disease -- like lasers that drill tiny holes in our skulls and allow probes to study the electrical activity of our neurons.

42 Views · 3 years ago

⁣The heart and soul of running a business is developing and implementing strategy. But what precisely goes into creating a plan and putting it into action?

The process through which an organization picks the most appropriate courses of action to achieve its specified goals is known as strategy formulation. The managerial process of developing and implementing a company's strategy is a five-stage process that runs continuously.

41 Views · 3 years ago

⁣The human immune system is the most complex biological system we know, after the human brain, and yet, most of us never learn how it works. Or what it is. Here's a video explaining the complex process of our immune system.

41 Views · 3 years ago

The video shows and introduces the natural habitats of animals and how they maximize the place for their survival and existence.

40 Views · 3 years ago

In this video you will learn the general meaning of the word environment, its importance and its function.

40 Views · 3 years ago

Regional organizations are very important because it addresses each continent group's issues while pursuing unity and harmony to one another.

40 Views · 3 years ago

Discover the different states comprising Germany in this video.

40 Views · 3 years ago

Even though the caste system is legally abolished in India, Untouchables is still judged by society.

39 Views · 3 years ago

Learn how to organize an effective essay through this video. Essay outlines are important in long write-ups like school thesis and magazine-style writing.

39 Views · 3 years ago

Ryan Singer, Basecamp's head of Product Strategy, starts out a multi-part series by talking about how we decide what to work on every 6 weeks. From the strategy to pitches, to project selection, to project budgeting, to integrated teams, to the expectation of completion by the end of the cycle, this video sets the foundation for what comes next.

38 Views · 3 years ago

⁣Vaccines are one of our best tools to prevent dangerous diseases, but they come with side effects. So would it be safer not to vaccinate?

38 Views · 3 years ago

This video tackles the different kinds of environments. This will also serve as an introduction for the series of videos related to the category.

38 Views · 3 years ago

Europe is more than just a continent. Its geography is what makes it special. Learn more here.

38 Views · 3 years ago

The refugee crisis has been a huge problem ever since, and with more people wanting to escape Africa and go to Europe for a chance of a lifetime, it can be very hard.

37 Views · 3 years ago

⁣An informal or casual writing style tends to use contractions, colloquial (slang) language, a subjective perspective, as well as other traits. By contrast, a formal tone is more polished and focused. Learn how to recognize the tone of a piece of writing and improve your own prose.

37 Views · 3 years ago

⁣In living creatures, there are two forms of reproduction: sexual and asexual reproduction. Each kind is described in this movie, along with numerous instances. Tubers, bulbs, plant cuttings, micropropagation, binary fission in bacteria, budding in yeast, and fragmentation in starfish are all examples of asexual reproduction.

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